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Susanne Schnabel

Owner of Wortbildschrift
Guest lecturer at the Polytechnic Frankfurt am Main,
Frankfurt/Main on the subject 'Mailings: Aspects of Text & Graphic Design'

Many years of professional experience in the field of graphic design,
text and production of advertising tools
; advanced further training in
the fields of Direct Marketing, Graphic Design und Fundraising (graduate
from the course 'Principles & Techniques of Fundraising' der Fund
Raising School des Indiana University Centers of Philantrophy, USA)

Vocational training as a Teacher of English as a Foreign Language
(TESOL) with certificates from the Trinity College London / London
Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in Oxfordshire, UK.
Subsequent teaching positions in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, as
well as in Aschaffenburg and Obernburg, Germany
Postgraduate Studies for a MA (Master of Arts) in Women’s
Studies at the Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Undergraduate Studies: State-certified Translator for the English
at the Institute for Foreign Languages and Foreign Studies
at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany; since
2001 appointed and taken under genereal oath by the District Court
of Aschaffenburg, Bavaria, Germany; work experience as a translator
and consecutive interpreter both in England and Germany